A turn-key, interactive experience for your amazing content.
Microsite for Web & Desktop.
Rather than driving your audience off your site and to an app, Menud brings the app functaiolity to your site. Not only does this drastically reduce the user’s friction to get started, but it allows you to keep your audience in front of your content and your marketing at all times.
Capturing Recipes
Input recipes using Menūd’s intelligent and user-friendly recipe management system.
Input recipes using Menūd’s intelligent and user-friendly recipe management system.
Content Import
Menud imports, codifies, and prepares your recipes using an API or a worksheet.
Menūd can import recipes from your database.
Have recipes scraped, codified, and structured using natural language processing and machine learning.
Have recipes scraped, codified, and structured using natural language processing and machine learning.
White-Label App
Interactive, dynamic, and smart mobile app
Recipes across all publications are discoverable and interactive. Users can load and customize recipes plans. Recipe plans build a grocery list. Grocery list is shoppable online in 10K US grocery stores.
Clean Eating app built with out platform partner, Plankk Technologies.
Revenue Opportunities
Self-Product Placement
Recipes and grocery lists can call for specific, branded products.
Recipes and grocery lists can call for specific, branded products.
App Subscriptions
Mobile app can be offered as a premium, monthly subscription.
Mobile app can be offered as a premium, monthly subscription.
Affiliate Connections
Publications and products. Link to eCommerce channels.
Publications and products. Link to eCommerce channels.
Recipe Management
Organize, digitize, & optimize content.
Recipes can be input into Menūd’s content management system and accessible through Menūd’s API. Recipe creation and organization is efficient and easy. Your front end can leverage Menud’s intelligent backend.
Recipes, Meet Technology
Content is codified, creating more value to digital assets.
Content is codified, creating more value to digital assets.
Building recipes and meal plans is as easy as building a music playlist.
Building recipes and meal plans is as easy as building a music playlist.
Content updates are immediately reflected on the front end product(s).
Content updates are immediately reflected on the front end product(s).
A turn-key interactive experience
For less than 50% of the cost of one software developer.